The days and weeks surrounding the birth of a new baby can be overwhelming. Even though planning a Portrait Session is fun, when the moment arrives and you already have a rambunctious toddler at home, getting ready to load the squirming, talkative, hungry family up for professional photographs may feel like the last thing you want to do.
However, this is a special moment that will never happen again.
Your only child's world is changing as they become a big brother or big sister, a role they will carry for the rest of their life.
Imagine looking at these images and seeing the transformation: your toddler, once the sole focus, now gently holding their baby sibling. Yes, they’re probably talking the whole time. Yes, they’re going to poke and prod and look in their nose and ears. But they’re going to be adorable during it all, because they’re your precious children.
Come in- make the effort. I can’t wait to show you the results! You'll find it was well worth it.
Feelings break. Take five.
Feelings assured! Back to taking pictures.